I'm allergic to dead plants

November 2013 - The Dendrobium Starclass, that was the plant that was standing on the table of my girlfriend's mother. Sitting at that table working on my computer, that's something I've always done and still do. But one day, a plant was standing on the table and for some reason my right eye started itching again.

I moved the plant away and in less than a minute, my right eye felt a lot better. So now I'm allergic to plants too? :-(

The Dendrobium Starclass causing trouble

Update: from time to time, I still have issues with plants. Whenever I my eyes start itching, I look around and when I see a plant, chances are high that it has something to do with it. Most of the time, the plant has reached the end of its life. Removing an almost dead plant always fixes the itchiness. I later heard dying plants release chemicals.
