Multiple Chemical Sensitivity

I recently made a huge discovery. What I used to call "allergies" to anything plastic actually has a name: Multiple Chemical Sensitivity (MCS). It turns out that this condition is recognized enough to have its own Wikipedia page.  😮

Finding out that MCS is a real condition—and that I'm not alone—feels like a huge relief. There's a certain comfort in knowing that others are out there dealing with the same symptoms, or even worse. While most people with MCS report issues like headaches and sensitivity to odors and chemical compounds found in furniture and other everyday items, my symptoms have mostly been limited to painful eyes, though I’ve experienced the occasional headache as well.

In my search for more information about MCS, I stumbled upon a subreddit dedicated to it. It’s been incredibly helpful to connect with others who share similar experiences and challenges.

In light of this discovery, I’ve decided to rename this blog to "Living with Multiple Chemical Sensitivity." My hope is that this will help others who might be searching for support and information.

yes, I used chatGPT to generate this image
