I'm allergic to my second bedroom

After 3 years of working and sleeping in my home bedroom (I moved here with my mom after she divorced), one day, out of the blue, I started having this itchy feeling in my right eye.

Anyway, these were the 'characteristics' of the room:

  • room overlooks a street with lot's of traffic
  • wooden floor
  • 2 big old closets
  • small, new wooden desk
  • a computer
  • a computer screen
  • a laptop
  • a laser printer
  • house is situated in the city
  • lot's of old books, but have been their all along
  • not that much light (stained glass window)
What changed in the week before my eye started itching:
  • drilled some holes into the wall
  • removed some wallpaper (in preparation of redecorating, but never got the time to do it)
  • brought an old box of school books to the room (which did cause some itching), but took it back out of the room.
  • family stayed over for the weekend. My uncle always fiddles around with the hundreds of books that are in that room, so maybe I got a little more sensitive to the dust it produced, I'm not sure.
Except for the attic, I didn't have eye issues in the rest of the house.

I eventually changed rooms and moved over to a much smaller room with less books where my eyes seemed to improve a bit.

Here are some pictures from the room. Notice all the books? Well, I didn't have any problems with them for about 3 years! And these were old books, very old books.
